3 Oct 2016 La traductora Anita Raja es Elena Ferrante. Así se desprende de una exhaustiva investigación, centrada en sus ingresos y posesiones 


Tidigare har Domenico Starnones fru, översättaren Anita Raja, pekats ut som Elena Ferrante. Men nu menar forskargruppen alltså att Starnone hjälpt till att 

Här skall halvt på allvar halvt på skämt Elena Ferrante / Anita Raja få ännu ett täcknamn, alias. One published theory claims Ferrante is really Anita Raja, Anita being the diminutive of Anna. Raja is a consultant for Ferrante's Italian publisher. She is also the wife of the Neapolitan writer Domenico Starnone, who himself has been "accused" of being Elena Ferrante. Her editors deny it all.

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Traduttrice e moglie di quel Domenico Starnone che più volte si è detto nascondersi dietro lo Starnone är gift med Anita Raja. Det som läsarna, men inte pseudonymjägarna, verkar kunna acceptera är att pennan eller pennorna bakom Elena Ferrante hör till den ovaniga sort i det moderna Published in early October 2016, a journalistic investigation by Claudio Gatti described the evolution of the Starnone-Raja couple's assets. According to this investigation, Anita Raja is the beneficiary of the rights of texts by Elena Ferrante, published in the publishing house e/o (for Est/Ovest or e/oppure) where she works as a translator. La revelación de que detrás de la autora italiana Elena Ferrante se escondía la traductora Anita Raja enciende una polémica sobre el derecho a la intimidad Die Familiengeschichte von Anita Raja, der Autorin hinter dem Pseudonym Elena Ferrante, führt in die Abgründe der europäischen Vergangenheit. Ihre Mutter, eine Jüdin aus Worms, musste als Kind Raja har hittills varken fått frågan eller svarat på om hon är Ferrante. – Det är så mycket som stämmer.


Elena Ferrante (Napoli, 1953) Nell'ottobre 2016 l'ipotesi che la Ferrante sia Anita Raja si è rafforzata in seguito alla pubblicazione di un articolo Writing. Elena Ferrante is the name used by the author of many novels, including the four-volume work titled the Neapolitan Novels.

Elena ferrante anita raja

Mar 31, 2021 There was one conclusion that mattered in Gatti's article: the person writing Ferrante's novels was the translator Anita Raja, a woman. That was 

Det som läsarna, men inte pseudonymjägarna, verkar kunna acceptera är att pennan eller pennorna bakom Elena Ferrante hör till den ovaniga sort i det moderna Published in early October 2016, a journalistic investigation by Claudio Gatti described the evolution of the Starnone-Raja couple's assets. According to this investigation, Anita Raja is the beneficiary of the rights of texts by Elena Ferrante, published in the publishing house e/o (for Est/Ovest or e/oppure) where she works as a translator. La revelación de que detrás de la autora italiana Elena Ferrante se escondía la traductora Anita Raja enciende una polémica sobre el derecho a la intimidad Die Familiengeschichte von Anita Raja, der Autorin hinter dem Pseudonym Elena Ferrante, führt in die Abgründe der europäischen Vergangenheit. Ihre Mutter, eine Jüdin aus Worms, musste als Kind Raja har hittills varken fått frågan eller svarat på om hon är Ferrante. – Det är så mycket som stämmer.

Kanske är alltså den andra tesen mer trolig, att Elena Ferrante är Domenico Starnones hustru Anita Raja, översättare och medarbetare i det lilla förlaget Edizioni e/o, som ger ut böckerna. Den italienska skvallersajten Dagospia har publicerat två suddiga foton av Raja, som visar en blond kvinna i övre medelåldern med ett milt och lite hemlighetsfullt leende. Elena Ferrante är en pseudonym som används av en italiensk författare som valt att vara anonym.Hon är främst känd via sin romansvit Neapelkvartetten (2011–2014), med handlingen förlagd till efterkrigstidens Neapel och med väninnorna Elena och Lila som huvudpersoner. Anita Raja travaille pour Edizioni e/o, la maison d’édition qui publie Ferrante.
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The name Elena Ferrante is known worldwide. While her best-selling four-part series known as the Neapolitan Novels has sold millions of copies around the world, the author’s true identity is still unconfirmed.

Uproar ensued immediately, and it was, in the In six tweets, translator Anita Raja confirms she is author Elena Ferrante, and asks to be left alone — Quartz 404 The page you’re looking for is not available. There are no traces of Anita Raja’s personal history in Elena Ferrante’s fiction. The stories Ferrante tells are those of the Neapolitan poor, of post-war Italy, of social and female oppression. None of Ferrante’s books gives any indication of the tragedies experienced by Raja’s mother and grandparents and their extended family—pogroms in Poland, Nazi persecution in Germany, anti What Brings Elena Ferrante’s Worlds to Life?
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An Open Letter to Elena Ferrante—Whoever You Are. 2016, when the Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti posited that the person writing under your pseudonym was Anita Raja, a retired

I don’t see what argument she could have to claim that she needed to … Elena, or Anita, was quite clear about the fact that she would lie when asked about her past. Still, Gatti says that this "relinquished [Ferrante's] right to disappear behind her books." Others, critical of his choice to expose Raja, have claimed that his piece was lowbrow at best and misogynistic at worst.

So when I first stumbled on a series of scholarly articles that, through stylometric analysis, identified Elena Ferrante as the Italian novelist Domenico Starnone (Anita Raja’s husband), I was not ready to lay down my weapons. At that time, I hadn’t read any of Starnone’s novels.

The violation of Elena Ferrante. “Italians, and perhaps Neapolitans especially,  Oct 4, 2016 Who is she? Anita Raja. Why are we so excited? There is telling proof that she is the mysterious Italian writer Elena Ferrante.

Uproar ensued immediately, and it was, in the Anita Raja confirma que es Elena Ferrante, la escritora italiana más misteriosa. María Porcel El Huffington Post. LUMEN. Los libros de Elena Ferrante son la sensación literaria de los últimos De onthulling van de namen achter de Italiaanse mysterie-schrijfster Elena Ferrante zegt nog niets. Wie van het echtpaar heeft De geniale vriendin nu geschreven, Anita Raja (63) of Domenico Starnone (73)? Anita Raja é Elena Ferrante.